Apple And Me, Are We Growing Apart?


After watching Apple announce the less than auspicious iPhone 5S, I got to thinking. Apple,.. a brand with which I have had a long and happy relationship, has over the years given me everything I wanted. I liked being associated with “think different”. The rebel in me approved. I like their commitment to aesthetics when it came to design, hardware and software alike. 

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I Am Officially A Prisoner

And my jail is Apple. And my jailer is Steve Jobs, may he rest in peace. Now, to be clear, I am an Apple disciple. I’ve had an Apple since my first, a IIc eons ago. I have an iPhone (5 on preorder), iPad2, and few Macbook Pros. And we’re all happily living in iCloud. So I’m believer. The beauty is everything works pretty seamlessly together, convergence is happening, and it’s all going the way it’s supposed to. 

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