A Brand-Crushing Content Strategy

There are some obvious rules for good content, like make it useful and relevant. Give me something that makes my life better. Or entertain me, make me cry, laugh or ponder. Teach me something. Whichever direction you take, you have to deliver value. If I sacrifice my time to engage with you, you better do at least one of those things because if you’re not, you are wasting my time. I mean, who chooses to engage with content so they can spend time viewing a self-aggrandizing ad.

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Content, Consumers, Brands And Creativity

While it won’t go away anytime soon, the days of brands curating and sharing content as their primary method of engaging customers is waning. There’s no denying that providing relevant, useful content is a way for brands to consistently gain trust and establish leadership. And a good piece of content is eminently sharable. But now that everyone has jumped on the content band wagon, and with the massive amount of content available for sharing, curating alone is simply not enough.

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