I’m not sure why this is lost on so many.

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This simple, profound statement by Sir John Hegarty in Campaign last week is at the heart of what’s been forgotten in the industry.

The power of a brand is echoed and amplified by those who recognize the position and meaning of a brand, whether they are actual customer or not. 

We wear brands as badges. Brands reflect taste, choice, and personality.

And the fundamental impetus of a brand is that other people understand what they mean. What is says about someone.

This awareness feeds brand growth. It is what many in the marketing world have deemed unnecessary in this age of digital targeting and performance-based thinking. 

 How wrong they are.

Because building brand is what sustains long-term financial value. 

The 10 Keys To Building a Lasting Brand

Our psychological relationships with brands and the resulting brand equity is one of those amorphous concepts that’s always been hard to quantify. Nevertheless, successful marketers know the benefits of a strong brand are undeniably real. A brand is a company’s most enduring asset. Properly nurtured and leveraged it has tremendous financial value. A powerful brand can enhance valuation, improve transaction

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