Beware Of The "Minimum Viable Product"

You’ve heard the term, MVP, or “minimum viable product”? It’s big in the lean startup community. Around since 1999, the term was coined and defined by Frank Robinson, and thrown around a lot by Steve Blank, and Eric Ries. Ries defines MVP as “…that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.” It seems to be the early stage tech mantra these days. But be wary, the MVP can be a trap.

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The End Of Togetherness?

My Mom is a stickler for manners. A big part of manners for her are the social graces. A firm handshake. Looking people in the eyes. Acknowledging others, saying hello, and basically being socially engaged and present with our fellow human beings. Anything else was simply rude and not to be tolerated. Old school? Maybe, but it shouldn’t be. The rules of social engagement are certainly changing. 

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What's Old Is New... Again

I find this just a little mystifying. I read a LinkedIn post today about “an exciting new form of marketing called “engagement”. And that this new form of marketing relied on this new idea of “story telling”. I guess I missed the announcement, but when did all this become new again? Call me crazy, but as long as I’ve been in the business, all communications were created to engage their audience.

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I Am Officially A Prisoner

And my jail is Apple. And my jailer is Steve Jobs, may he rest in peace. Now, to be clear, I am an Apple disciple. I’ve had an Apple since my first, a IIc eons ago. I have an iPhone (5 on preorder), iPad2, and few Macbook Pros. And we’re all happily living in iCloud. So I’m believer. The beauty is everything works pretty seamlessly together, convergence is happening, and it’s all going the way it’s supposed to. 

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